University of
rhode island
Landscape Master Plan
KZLA was engaged in the spring of 2016 to complete a new Landscape Master Plan for the Kingston campus of the University of Rhode Island. In collaboration with the Campus Planning & Design, KZLA developed a vision for the campus landscape that advances a beautiful, cohesive, and intentional landscape which supports URI’s efforts to strengthen and promote its sense of place. URI’s main campus is approximately 1,200 acres in size.
The Landscape Master Plan makes recommendations for open spaces, pedestrian and vehicular circulation patterns, green infrastructure, and stormwater, as well as campus branding. On a large campus with multiple on-going design and construction projects, there is a great need for standardization of landscape details to ensure aesthetic and sustainability goals are met and that the completed work can be maintained in an efficient way. The Landscape Master Plan reinforces the identity of URI by revising their campus design guidelines and standard details.
The Landscape Master Plan development process included University administration, faculty, staff, and students in the planning and information exchange process to build consensus and to give the resulting plans the best chance to succeed. One significant outcome of this plan is the identification of four priority improvement projects. Each of these projects have the potential to be transformative for campus socialization, to provide landscapes for education, and to improve the campus’ environmental benefits.
University of Rhode Island
Campus Planning & Design
Kingston, RI
1200 acres